Monday, June 21, 2010

Bridemomma meets her new challenge!

I'm engaged! I'm a single mom, now getting married in October of this year. There's so much to do, so much going on but there is a necessary first step, my health both physical and mental! No one wants to be a chubby bride! So I am hitting the gym in my new adventure to tone up and get healthier! This is not the first time I have said this of myself. Not the first time I have dieted or pumped up the work outs, so I want this time to be different. We've all been learning this day in age that it's all about a life change. Changing the way you think about food, they way you live your life, how you cook, how you eat, when you eat, how intense your workout is and so much more! I knew exactly where to go to get help with this new journey, trainer Chasity Ciaramitaro. Chasity is a personal trainer at my former gym and also owns and runs Studio Fit in Kansas City. I signed up for Bridal Bootcamp, for $300 I get unlimited classes (zumba, body fit, strength training etc.), 6 personal training sessions, a nutrition plan specifically for me, unlimited use of Anytime Fitness in Kansas City and 2 months of unlimited tanning (yay!). When I signed up I was super pumped, I am taking the necessary steps to improve myself physically and mentally. Last week I went to my first one on one session with Chasity. We did all my measurements and weight and percentages and all this other stuff I couldn't tell you what it is. I left feeling very large and not in charge. 158 pounds! Who is this person? How did I gain 15 lbs this year!!! What in the world have I been doing? I don't eat awful, I am a pretty active person, so how did this happen? Ahh haa, I will tell you. As mom's, women, wives, daughters, sisters, friends and employees we tend to put everyone else in our life ahead of our needs and wants. They get our full attention and we get whatever is left at the end of the day. So what does that mean for us women, maybe 10-20 minutes of time at the end of the day to do what with, watch TV? Maybe squeeze in a bath or devotional and pour ourselves into bed. No one at that rate, at that level of exhaustion can be healthy or maintaint a healthy life style. I realized in my reflection that I was giving all of me to Cohen, Adam, my family, my job, my friends, my church and leaving nothing but left overs for myself. So here I stand at 158 pounds saying I need to make time for myself so that i'm not overweight, leading an unhealthy lifestyle and under nurished in sleep and the word. My Bridal Boot camp is a total make over for me, to spend this time leading up to my new life with Adam and our family preparing to make this new change a life long one. I thought, what better way to hold myself accountable than to create a public diary (blog) to document the challenges I am facing and the goals I am attaining. Below will be my first blog that started really lastnight and the grocery store and moved into this mornings training session. Realize, there is no prefection here, I am only writing to help myself and possibly other women who are burning the candle at both ends. I am not a trainer, I am not a nutritionist, I am not a pastor, I am only a Mother and Woman ready for a change. I am challenging myself for the next 124 days and beyond to be better to myself so that I can be a stronger woman of God, wife, mom, friend, boss and employee. Care to join...

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