Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Tuesday June 29th
Food: egg whites, whole wheat bagel thin, hummous and whole wheat wheat thins, whole wheat mini pita with tuna and lettuce, avocado, greek yogurt
Water: ALOT! 95oz so far
Workout- 30 minutes on the stair master, my achin buns!
Weight: 154.4

Dear Bloggery-

One of the best parts of trying to loose weight is the first time you do your weigh in and your weight has gone down. What a good feeling! When you have really worked hard to accomplish something and you get rewarded for that hard work! I am learning alot about myself lately. One of my biggest realizations is that I have had no patience apparently. Which holds true in many aspects of my life. I don't want to wait for anything, I want it right now! Maybe it's the American condition we all have. Instant gratification is all we ever seek. So with this goal of getting healthy and staying that way, I just want those immediate results so bad. In college it seemed like all I had to do was work out and eat less for like a week and I dropped 5 lbs and 2 pant sizes. Now, in my old age, that is not the case. As I focus more on getting the inside of me feeling better along with the outside I am reminding myself that good things come to those who wait. Waiting for the right time. Waiting for the weight to drop. Waiting for my wedding date. Enjoying the moment that I am in now and not wishing life way. 3 pounds down, 12 to go to hit my wedding weight goal.

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