Sunday, June 27, 2010

Just keep swimming!

Sunday June 27th
Weight- Weigh in tomorrow (wish me luck)
Breakfast-Egg whites and reduced fat wheat bisquit
Water- 20oz
Work out- today is my off day, ahhh a day of rest

Just keep swimming!
So I will admit there have been ups and downs this week. The last few days of the week I was very sore from my classes and feeling discouraged with the new way of eating. Now almost a full week down of focused diet and exercise I am feeling grand. Here are a few obstacles I have run into that i'm sure all of you hard working Mom's experience as well. Time!!! Time is the hardest thing sometimes because there is only so much of it in the day. It takes a lot of time to prepare food for the day. To prepare a seperate snack or meal for yourself on top of feeding your family. Because lets be honest not all of your family members wants to focus their diet around lean protein and fruits n veggies all day everyday. It is also hard sometimes to find and make the time to workout. With our busy schedules you either have to get up early before everyone else, work out on your break from work, or find someone to watch your children while you go work out. Making time for this stuff for me makes me feel guilty. I feel guilty that i'm not at home with my family or working on the house or wedding planning. There is that element of constant wifely motherly guilt that plagues me some days when I am putting myself higher on the priority list than I think that I should be. I am hoping as this journey continues this guilty feeling I get will be replaced by a feeling of self worth and peace. Which will be a focus of mine this week in devotions and time spent in the word and in prayer. Another obstacle I have run into is that rough patch you hit mid week. Mid week I am tired, I am sore, I am tired of eating so much healthy stuff and basically bored with bland. Here's what i'm doing to help that. First off I reached out to my best friend Lacey for a pep-talk/reminder of why I am doing this and why this is important. She is always a good person for me to seek with advice or encouragement because she knows just what to say to me. Do you have a person in your life who can be on your side? Someone who you can ask for a pep talk from to keep you going? Find that person so that you have a support team. It's hard to swim against the current of society. More than half of our society does not eat this way, they do not think this way or see value in living a healthy lifestyle. Swimming against the current though, fighting the urges and pressure of unhealthy living will only make us stronger. In the words of one of my favorite Disney characters "Just keep swimming just keep swimming". Tomorrow I will document my progress, but no matter what the numbers are I already know I am feeling great! I feel like I am back to me! I am getting healthy on the inside and out. Thank you God for this opportunity to reconnect with myself and with you! Friends, this week what can you do to make yourself important, what can you do to re-focus and replinish you mind body and spirit? Much luck and love.

Bloggin Bride-

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